Last year was no exception. I had just finished my bachelor’s degree in social anthropology and felt both lost and restless. So as the searcher I am, I searched. I travelled to many different places that summer. And I remember very clearly that something in me suddenly became tangible when I was in the south-east of Scotland for one week, working in the vegetable garden of a couple. Both Helen and Paul, as they were called, were very inspiring people. Helen created adorable ceramic sculptures with mischievous faces. Their garden was spectacular. They also cooked the most delicious vegan food one could ever imagine. Even if they would forget to add onion to a dish, it would taste amazing.

After having spent more than a month in Ecodorp Bergen, I can say that I do feel very much at home here. I don’t need to question my own worldview anymore, because these people see the world in a similar way. They appreciate my more silly, eccentric side. They just get me.